Algorithm Visualizer

Web app to visualize graph and sorting algorithms in real-time:
• Built visualization for sorting algorithms Quick, Shell, Bubble, Merge, and Insertion sort
• Implemented visualization for graph algorithms: Dijkstra, A*, BFS, DFS, Maze generation
• Architected in JavaScript ES6, HTML5, CSS3 using the React library

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Health Tracker

A web application to track daily health and fitness goals:
• Created functional Login/Registration page which interacts with SQLite database
• Implemented databasing/displaying of daily health entries using SQLAlchemy and Jinja2
• Constructed the entire frontend using the Bootstrap Library and custom JavaScript/CSS
• Utilized Charts.js library to display interactive charts to display trends in health data
• Architected the web app in Python 3, JavaScript ES6, HTML5, CSS3 using the Flask library

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Canvas Grades Chrome Extension

Displays grade data on canvas dashboard:
• Developed extension to display table of user courses and grades on Canvas Dashboard
• Coded JS script to retrieve course data from Canvas LMS API and modify HTML DOM
• Initiated meetings and collaborated with team to plan tasks and assess project progress

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Other Projects

I am an aspiring Software Engineer currently studying Computer Science at UC Davis. I am passionate about coding and have experience building websites and web applications through personal projects. I specialize in Python but am proficient with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I also have academic experience working with C, C++, and x86 Assembly. I have experience through my personal projects working with technologies such as Flask, React, MySQL, Git, and Linux. Below are a few other projects of mine paired with a brief explanation of their functionality as well as the technologies used in their creation.

UC Davis GE Calculator

Scraped UC Davis's site for GE and major data. Analyzed this data to determine all GE credits a student recieves by completing all of their major required coursework.
Technologies/Skills: Python, Webscraping, Beautiful Soup

See Project

Sodoku Solver (with GUI)

Implemented a recursive backtracking algorithm to solve any unsolved Sudoku board. Created an interactive Graphical User Interface for user to interact with sodoku board.
Technologies/Skills: Python, Tkinter

See Project

Discord Bot

Created a discord bot to assist with functionality of the ECS 036A (Programming & Problem Solving) course server at UC Davis.
Technologies/Skills: Python, Discord API

See Project

Currency Converter

Built a currency converter with GUI. Scrapes the web to get live exchange rates for over 25 currency pairs.
Technologies/Skills: Python, Web Scraping, Beautiful Soup, Tkinter

See Project